
The Doctrines and Cosmology of the Church of Transformative Spirituality

We believe that sexuality is a sacred act and that sanctified sex is a powerful path for the transformation and enlightenment of the individual and the collective.

We believe in the sacredness of the transgender being and are host to the Order of the Sacred Sissy Whore and follow the guidance of the great Sacred Sissy Whore GODDESS ANASTASIA.

We worship the GOD OF LIGHT and the GOD OF DARKNESS and seek to reunite them into the oneness that is their ultimate truth through our psycho-spiritual sexual devotion.

We worship and obey the great COCK GOD and all women and beta males in our faith are committed to serving the great COCK GOD by our servitude to the COCKS of all ALPHA MALES.

In our cosmology, the GOD OF DARKNESS, also known as the DARK LORD and in the Judeo-Christian traditions as LORD SATAN, is part of our sacred HOSTS for we follow the original Hebrew doctrine that SATAN is not a fallen angel, but an angel assigned to test humanity and provide for us the grist for the mill of our enlightenment and awakening.

The phallus is the ultimate primordial manifestation of the Divine in the world of form and as such is to be worshipped and obeyed with all our bodies, hearts, minds, souls and spirits. COCK is our GOD. CUM is our sacrament for taking Holy Communion. The ALPHA MALE who is HOST to the DIVINE COCK GOD, is to be worshipped and obeyed as well for they are the carriers of the DIVINE HOST.

The transgender being is the force of evolutionary equilibrium for the human race and as such are Holy and sacred and blessed in the eyes of the LORDS OF DARKNESS AND LIGHT.


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