The Gates of Heaven are through the Gates of HELL

At the Church of Transformative Sexuality 
we believe that the true path to enlightenment is found 
through diving deep into 
our repressed LUSTS and desires 
and our DARKEST thoughts and feelings, 
and fully owning them 
and fully learning the lessons that each 
and DARK thought and feeling 
has to give us. 

Only then, can we achieve enlightenment...
and so, in essence, 
we believe 
the Gates of Heaven are through the Gates of HELL...
the Light is on the other side of DARKNESS 
and we cannot reach the Light by avoiding, repressing 
or separating our selves from who and what we truly are...
we cannot reach the Light by going around the DARKNESS, 
we must walk through the DARKNESS to get to the Light...
and HIS legion of DEMONS 
guide us through the DARKNESS, 
as the Divine Source 
and its legion of Angels and Spirits 
guide us through the realms of Light 
once we reach 
the other side of 


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